Apples-Big series
Trade name: Australian
No news in the web on this mark, probably it is only an origin and not a trade name.
Under the same name I have also stickers of Avocado, Banana, Grape, Lemon, Nectarine, Orange, Tangerine.
Under the same name I have also stickers of Avocado, Banana, Grape, Lemon, Nectarine, Orange, Tangerine.
Australian - Analytical key
- Oval coloured ring (mainly green)
- Two-coloured, thin plastic
- Green and yellow
- With Plu = Series 01
- W/o Plu = Series 02
- Violet and yellow = Series 01A
- one-colour
- Plastic
- Australian on top
- Plu = Series 03
- Australia map = Series 03A
- Australian on bottom
- Plu w/o # = Series 4
- Plu with #
- Blu = Series 04A
- Green = Series 05
- W/o Australian = Series 04B
- Paper
- Plu with # = Series 06
- Plu w/o # = Series 07
- Vertical
- Apple
- With Australian = Series 08
- Same design but w/o australian = Series 08A
- Pear = Series 08B
- Horizontal
- Paper
- Right arrow
- Green = Series 09
- Red = Series 09A
- W/o arrow
- Plu with # = Series 10
- Plu w/o # = Series 10A
- Plastic
- Thin plastic
- Green = Series 11
- Red = Series 11A
- Thick plastic
- Right arrow = Series 12
- W/o arrow
- Red
- Normal cv. font = Series 13
- Bold cv. font = Series 13A
- Thin plu font = Series 13B
- Green = Series 13C

Series 01 - Australian thin plastic, two-coloured
Material: thin plastic- Surface: Shiny - Wrinkle: Present - Dimensions: 19.5 x 14,0 mm - Colours: Green and yellow.Apples Cultivars: \ Bonza #5006, \ Braeburn #4101, | Braeburn #4103, \ / Fuji #4129, / Fuji #4131, / Gala #4133, / Golden Delicious #4020, / Golden Delicious #4021, \ | Granny Smith #4017, \ / Granny Smith #4139, / Granny Smith #5018, | Imperial #5388, / Jonagold #4145, \ Jonagold #4147, / Jonathan #4151, | Jonathan #4149 (orange), \ Jonathan #5023, / Pink Lady #4130, \ Pink Lady #5030, \ / | Red Delicious #4015, | Red Delicious #4016, / Red Delicious #5032, \ Royal Gala #4173, \ Royal Gala #4174, / Sundowner #3010, \ / Sundowner #5044.
Pears Cultivars: | Corella #4418, / D'Anjou Red #4417, | Packham #4421.

Series 01A - Australian thin plastic, two-coloured
Material: thin plastic- Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: present - Dimensions: 19.5 x 14,0 mm - Colours: brown and yellow. Apples Cultivars:Crimson Snow #4196.

Series 002 - Australian thin plastic, two-coloured
Material: thin plastic- Surface: Shiny - Wrinkle: Present - Dimensions: 19,0 x 14,0 mm - Colours: Green and yellow.

Series 03 - Australian (on top) thick plastic w/o #
Material: thick plastic- Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: Absent - Dimensions: 20,0 x 13,0 mm - Colours: Green. Apples Cultivars: ---. Pears Cultivars: Packham 3852.

Series 03A - Australian thick plastic
Material: thick plastic- Surface: Shiny - Wrinkle: Absent - Dimensions: 21,0 x 14,0 mm - Colours: Green.

Series 04 - Australian thick plastic
Material: thick plastic- Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: Absent - Dimensions: 20,0 x 13,0 mm - Colours: Green. Apples Cultivars: Fuji 4129 and 4131, Golden Del 4020 and 4021, Granny Smith 4017, Jonagold 4145 and 4147, Jonathan 4149 and 4151, Pink Lady 4130 and 5030, Red Delicious 4015 and 4016, Royal Gala 4173, Sundowner 5044.
Pears Cultivars: Bosc 4413, Corella 4418 (light and dark colour), William Bartlett 4409.

Series 04A - Australian thick plastic with #
Material: thick plastic- Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: Absent - Dimensions: 20,0 x 13,0 mm -
Colours: Blue. Apples Cultivars:Granny Smith #4139.

Series 04B - W/o Australian thick plastic w/o #
Material: paper - Surface: half-shiny - Wrinkle: Absent - Dimensions: 20,0 x 13,0 mm - Colours: Green. Pears Cultivars: 6062 Packham.

Series 05 - Same design w/o Australian thick plastic with #
Material: thick plastic- Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: Absent - Dimensions:
20,0 x 13,0 mm - Colours: Green.Apples Cultivars: Granny Smith # 4139, Granny Smith #4139 (# close to Plu number), Jonathan # 4149, # 5030 Pink Lady.

Series 06 - Australian paper with #
Material: paper - Surface: hanf-shiny - Wrinkle: Absent - Dimensions: 20,0 x 12,5 mm -
Colours: Green. Apples Cultivars: Royal Gala #4173.

Series 07 - Australian paper w/o #
Material: paper - Surface: half-shiny - Wrinkle: Absent - Dimensions: 20,0 x 13,0 mm - Colours: Green. Apples Cultivars: Gala 4174, Red Del 4015.

Series 08 - Australian paper
Material: paper - Surface: half-shiny or mat - Wrinkle: Absent - Dimensions: 17,0 x 22,0 mm - Colours: Green.
Apples Cultivars: 4129 Fuji, 4020 Golden Delicious, 4139 Granny Smith, 4149 Jonathan, 4130 and 5030 Pink Lady (thicker paper shiny), 4015 Red Delicious.

Series 08A - Same design w/o Australian
Material: Thick plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: Absent - Dimensions: 17,0 x 22,0 mm - Colours: Green.
Apples Cultivars: 4174 Royal Gala (light and dark colour).

Series 08B - Australian Corella thick plastic
Material: thick plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: Absent - Dimensions: 13,0 x 20,0 mm - Colours: yellow and red.
Pear Cultivars: 4418 Corella.

Series 09 - Australian paper
Material: Paper - Surface: half-shiny - Wrinkle: Absent - Dimensions: 22,0 x 17,0 mm - Colours: Red and green.Apples Cultivars: Granny Smith 4017, Granny Smith 4139.

Series 09A - Australian paper
Material: Paper - Surface: half-shiny - Wrinkle: Absent - Dimensions: 22,0 x 17,0 mm - Colours: Red and green.
Apples Cultivars: Gala 4173 (light and dark colour), Sundowner 5044.

Series 10 - Australian paper
Material: paper - Surface: mat - Wrinkle: Absent - Dimensions: 20,0 x 13,0 mm - Colours: Red.Apples Cultivars: #5018 Granny Smith (green), #4129 Red Fuji (red).

Series 11 - Australian thin plastic
Material: thin plastic- Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: present - Dimensions: 20,0 x 14,0 mm - Colours: Red and green. Apples Cultivars: / Golden Delicious 4021, | Granny Smith 4139.

Series 11A - Australian thin plastic
Material: thin plastic- Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: present - Dimensions: 22,0 x 17,0 mm - Colours: Red and green.Apples Cultivars: | Fuji 4129, / Jonagold 4145, \ | Pink Lady 5030, | Red Delicious 4015, | Royal Gala (light and dark colour), / Sundowner 5044.

Series 12 - Australian thick plastic
Material: thick plastic- Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: absent - Dimensions: 22,0 x 17,0 mm - Colours: Red and green.Apples Cultivars: Pink Lady 4130 and 5030.

Series 13 - Australian thick plastic without tab
Material: thick plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: Absent - Dimensions: 20,0 x 13,0 mm - Colours: Red and green. Apples Cultivars: Fuji 4129 and 4131, Gala 4173 and 4174, Golden Del 4020 and 4021, Jonagold 4145, Jonathan 4149, Pink Lady 4130 and 5030, Red Del 4015, Red Delicious 4016, Royal Gala 4173, Sundowner 5044.

Series 13A - Australian thick plastic without tab, bold cv. font
Material: thick plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: Absent - Dimensions: 20,0 x 13,0 mm - Colours: Red and green. Apples Cultivars: Golden del 4020, Pink Lady 4130, Red Del 4015.

Series 13B - Australian thick plastic without tab, thin plu font
Material: thick plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: Absent - Dimensions: 20,0 x 13,0 mm - Colours: Red and green. Apples Cultivars: Royal Gala 4173.

Series 13C - Australian thick plastic
Material: thick plastic- Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: Absent - Dimensions: 20,0 x 14,0 mm - Colours: Red and green.Apples Cultivars: Granny Smith 4017 and 4139.