Trade name:        CALI
No information found on this trade mark.
With same trade mark I have Passionfruit, Tamarillo, Banana, Lemon and Melon.

Cali - Analytical key
  • Only trade name
    • Green bkg = series 01
    • Red bkg = series 01a
  • Trade name, cv. and plu
    • Diagonal arrow paper = series 02
    • Right arrow, plastic
      • Thin plastic
        • Little oval 20 mm wide
          • Red = series 03
          • Green = series 04
        • Oval 23 mm wide
          • Yellow = series 05
          • Red = series 06
          • Green = series 07
        • Oval 22 mm wide
          • Yellow = series 08
          • Red = series 09
          • Green
            • Dark green = series 10
            • Yellowish green = series 11
      • Thick plastic
        • Yellow = series 12
        • Red = series 13
        • Green
          • Dark green = series 14
          • Yellowish green = series 15

Series 01 - Cali - paper

Material: paper - Surface: semishiny - Wrinkle: Absent - Dimensions: 21,0 x 13,0 mm - Colours: Yellow and light and dark green.
Apples Cultivars:
Generic, no Cv.
Series 01a - Cali - paper/thick plastic

Material: 1: paper; 2: thick plastic - Surface: 1: mat; 2: shiny - Wrinkle: Absent - Dimensions: 1: 16,0 x 16,0 mm; 2: 22,0 x 17,0 mm - Colours: Red.
Apples Cultivars:
Generic, no Cv.

Series 02 - Cali - paper

Material: paper - Surface: mat - Wrinkle: Absent - Dimensions: 18,0 x 15,0 mm - Colours: Yellow and light and dark green.
Pears Cultivars:
#4410 Red Bartlett (green and yellow-green background).

Series 03 - Cali - thin plastic

Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: present - Dimensions: 19,5 x 14,0 mm - Colours: Red, yellow and green.
Apples Cultivars:
| #4173 Royal Gala (light and dark red)

Series 04 - Cali - thin plastic

Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: present - Dimensions: 19,5 x 14,0 mm - Colours: Yellow and light and dark green.
Pears Cultivars:
| #4421 Packhams (light green and yellow green background), | #4410 Red Bartlett, | #4024 Williams.

Series 05 - Cali - thin plastic

Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: present - Dimensions: 23,0 x 14,0 mm - Colours: Orange, yellow and green.
Apples Cultivars:
/ #4139 Granny Smith.

Series 06 - Cali - thin plastic

Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: present - Dimensions: 23,0 x 14,0 mm - Colours: Red, yellow and green.
Apples Cultivars:
/ #4015 Red Delicious, \ #4173 Royal Gala.

Series 07 - Cali - thin plastic

Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: present - Dimensions: 23,0 x 14,0 mm - Colours: Yellow and light and dark green.
Pears Cultivars:
/ #4421 Packhams, \ #4024 Williams.

Series 08 - Cali - thin plastic, little arrow, green plu and Cv name

Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: present - Dimensions: 22,0 x 17,0 mm - Colours: Orange, yellow and green.
Apples Cultivars:
| #3291 Roter Boskoop, | #4140 Idared.

Series 09 - Cali - thin plastic

Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: present - Dimensions: 22,0 x 17,0 mm - Colours: Red, yellow and green.
Apples Cultivars:
| / #4173 Gala.

Series 10 - Cali - thin plastic

Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: present - Dimensions: 22,0 x 17,0 mm - Colours: Yellow and light and dark green.
Apples Cultivars:
\ | / #4101 Braeburn, \ #4145 Jonagold, | #4210 Shampion.

Series 11 - Cali - thin plastic

Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: present - Dimensions: 22,0 x 17,0 mm - Colours: Yellow and light and dark green.
Apples Cultivars:
| #3012 Abate, | #4410 Red Bartlett, | #3378 Santa Maria.

Series 12 - Cali - thick plastic, big arrow, white plu and Cv name

Material: thick plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: Absent - Dimensions: 22,0 x 17,0 mm - Colours: Orange, yellow and green.
Apples Cultivars:
#3291 Roter Boskoop, #3291 Roter Boskoop (yellow-orange bkg), #4140 Idared.

Series 13 - thick plastic, big arrow, white plu and Cv name

Material: thick plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: Absent - Dimensions: 22,0 x 17,0 mm - Colours: Red, yellow and green.
Apples Cultivars:
#4173 Royal Gala.

Series 14 - Cali - thick plastic, darker colours, big arrow

Material: thick plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: Absent - Dimensions: 22,0 x 17,0 mm - Colours: Yellow and light and dark green.
Apples Cultivars:
#4105 Cox Orange, #4121 Elstar, #3346 Holsteiner Cox, #4145 Jonagold.

Series 15 - Cali - thick plastic, light colours, little arrow

Material: thick plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: Absent - Dimensions: 22,0 x 17,0 mm - Colours: Yellow and light and dark green.
Pears Cultivars: #3012 Abate.