Apples-Big series
Trade name: Cape - capespan

Capespan brands include CAPEŽ, OUTSPANŽ, GOLDLANDŽ and BELLA NOVAŽ. Capespan was formed in 1994 as a joint venture between the South African fruit export organisations: Outspan International Limited and Unifruco Ltd.
1998 saw the merger of Outspan International and Unifruco Ltd in South Africa to form Capespan (Pty) Ltd, followed by the alliance between Capespan and Fyffes in 1999.
Their production cover all citrus (orange, grapefruit, lemon and all kind of tangerines), pomes (apple and pear), stone fruits (apricot, peach, nectarine and plum), avocado, grape (table and wine).
Links to: Corporate website, that includes logo and other informations.
Under the same name I have also grape stickers.
Cape group - Analytical key
- Blue & yellow Cape
- Only Cv,
- Oval 23 mm large = Series 01
- Oval 22 mm large = Series 02
- Oval 20 mm large, paper black or dark blue bkg = Series 02a
- Cv. & plu
- Plu down and Cv. at middle
- Cape w/o ® = Series 03
- Cape with ® = Series 04
- Plu up and Cv, down = Series 05
- Blue Cape & red cv. name = series 7a
- Others Cape
- Monochrome
- W/o plu
- Only trade name = Series 06
- Trade name and cv. = Series 07
- With plu
- Rectangular = Series 08
- Oval
- Thin plastic
- Cv. & plu = Series 09
- Cv., plu & origin
- South Africa = Series 10
- New Zealand = Series 11
- Thick plastic
- Normal text dimension = Series 12
- Smaller text
- South Africa near border = Series 13
- South Africa smaller and detached from border
- Very little ® = Series 14
- Normal ® = Series 15
- Two or three colours
- W/o barcode
- With text (adjectives)
- Cape up
- Little Cape = Series 16
- Bigger Cape = Series 17
- Cape lateral
- Little Cape = Series 18
- Bigger Cape = Series 19
- Pink Lady = Series 20
- With barcode
- Blue & black
- Up cape = Series 21
- Down cape = Series 22
- Coloured bkg
- Normal Cv. name = Series 23
- Smaller Cv. name= Series 24

Series 01 - thin plastic w/o ®
Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: present - Dimensions: 23,0 x 13,5 mm - Colours: Dark blue and golden yellow. Apples Cultivars: Laetitia.

Series 02 - Cape - thin plastic w/o ®
Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: present - Dimensions: 22,0 x 17,0 mm - Colours: Dark blue and golden yellow. Apples Cultivars: / Golden, / Goldens, \ / Granny Smith, \ Late Top Red, \ Top Red.
Pears Cultivars: \ Beurre Bosc, \ / Beurre Hardy, \ / Bon Chretien, \ / Packham's, \ Williams BC.

Series 02a - paper w/o ®
Material: paper - Surface: mat - Wrinkle: absent - Dimensions: 20,0 x 15,0 mm - Colours: black or dark blue and golden yellow. Pears Cultivars: Packham's (black bkg), Packham's (dark blue bkg).

Series 03 - Cape - thin plastic w/o ®
Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: present - Dimensions: 22,0 x 17,0 mm - Colours: Dark blue and golden yellow. Pears Cultivars: \ Beurre Bosc #4026, \ Packham's #4421.

Series 04 - Cape - thin plastic with ®
Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: present - Dimensions: 22,0 x 17,0 mm - Colours: Dark blue and golden yellow. Apples Cultivars: / Golden #4020, \ Golden #4021, \ Goldens #4021, / Granny Smith #4017, \ / Granny Smith #4139, \ Late Top Red #4015.
Pears Cultivars: / Bon Rouge #3014, \ Comice #4414, / Packham's #4421, \ Williams BC #4024.

Series 05 - Cape - thin plastic
Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: present - Dimensions: 22,0 x 17,0 mm - Colours: Dark blue and golden yellow. Apples Cultivars: | Braeburn #4101, \ Golden #4021, \ / Granny Smith #4139, \ Royal Gala #4173.
Pears Cultivars: / Beurre Bosc #4026, \ / Beurre Hardy #3013, \ Comice #4414, \ / Packham's #4421, \ / Williams BC #4024, / Williams BC #4024 (yellow bkg).

Series 07A - Cape
Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: present - Dimensions: 21,5 x 17,0 mm - Colours: Dark blue and red. Apples Cultivars: Granny Smith.

Series 08 - Cape
Material: paper - Surface: mat - Wrinkle: absent - Dimensions: 20,0 x 14,0 mm - Colours: Dark blue. Pears Cultivars: Comice 4414.

Series 09 - Cape - thin plastic
Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: present - Dimensions: 22,0 x 17,0 mm - Colours: Dark blue. Apples Cultivars: \ Braeburn 4101, \ / Golden 4021, \ / Granny Smith 4017, \ / Granny Smith 4139, / Royal Gala 4173.
Pears Cultivars: \ / Beurre Bosc 4026, \ Beurre Hardy 3013, \ / Comice 4414, / Flamingo 3019, \ / Forelle 4418, \ / Golden Russet Bosc 4026, \ / Packham's 4421, \ / Red Williams 4410, \ / Rosemarie 3025, \ / Williams BC 4024.

Series 09A - Cape - thin plastic, w/o plu
Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: present - Dimensions: 20,0 x 14,0 mm - Colours: Dark blue. Pears Cultivars: Harrow delight .

Series 10 - Cape - thin plastic
Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: present - Dimensions: 22,0 x 17,0 mm - Colours: Dark blue.
Apples Cultivars: \ Braeburn 4101, | Cripps ink 4128, \ / Golden 4021, \ / Granny Smith 4139, \ Royal Gala 4173.Pears Cultivars: \ | / Beurre Hardy 3013, \ / Bon Chretien 4024, \ | / Comice 4414, | Flamingo 3019, \ | / Forelle 4418, \ | / Packham's 4421, \ / Red Williams 4410, / Rosemarie 3025, \ | / Williams BC 4024.

Series 11 - Cape - thin plastic
Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: present - Dimensions: 22,0 x 17,0 mm - Colours: Dark blue.
Apples Cultivars: \ / Braeburn 4101, / Royal Gala 4173.

Series 12 - Cape - thick plastic, very little ®, big font cv
Material: thick plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: absent - Dimensions: 22,0 x 17,0 mm - Colours: Dark blue. Apples Cultivars: Golden 4021, Granny Smith 4139.
Pears Cultivars: Forelle 4418, Packham's 4421.

Series 13 - Cape - thick plastic, ® very dark or absent, little font cv
Material: thick plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: absent - Dimensions: 22,0 x 17,0 mm - Colours: Dark blue. Apples Cultivars: Braeburn 4101, Granny Smith 4139, Royal Gala 4173.
Pears Cultivars: Forelle 4418, Packhams 4421, Rosemarie 3025.

Series 14 - Cape - thick plastic, ® very dark or absent, little font cv
Material: thick plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: absent - Dimensions: 22,0 x 17,0 mm - Colours: Dark blue. Apples Cultivars: Braeburn 4101.
Pears Cultivars: Packhams 4421.

Series 15 - Cape - thick plastic, ® very dark or absent, little font cv
Material: thick plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: absent - Dimensions: 22,0 x 17,0 mm - Colours: Dark blue. Apples Cultivars: Granny Smith 4139.

Series 16 - Cape - thin plastic
Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: present, all | - Dimensions: 22,0 x 17,0 mm - Colours: Dark blue, background red cerise or blue. Apples Cultivars: bkg blue: tangy Braeburn 4101, tangy Granny Smith 4139, bkg red cerise: sweet Golden Delicious 4021, sweet Royal Gala 4173.

Series 17 - Cape - thin plastic
Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: present, all | - Dimensions: 22,0 x 17,0 mm - Colours: Dark blue, background orange or violet. Pears Cultivars: orange bkg Best enjoyed soft: Comice 4414, Packhams 4421, Williams 4024; violet bkg Best enjoyed firm: Flamingo 3019, Forelle 4418 (also light violet), Rosemarie 3025.

Series 18 - Cape - thick plastic
Material: thick plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: absent - Dimensions: 22,0 x 17,0 mm - Colours: Dark blue, background blue. Apples Cultivars: bkg red cerise: sweetGolden Delicious 4021, bkg blue: tangy Granny Smith 4139.

Series 19 - Cape - thick plastic
Material: thick plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: absent - Dimensions: 22,0 x 17,0 mm - Colours: Dark blue, background violet. Pears Cultivars: Forelle 4418.

Differences between series 16-17 and 18-19
Series 16 and 17, thin plastic, present arrows with curved base while in 18 and 19, thick plastic, arrow base is straight.
Also logo is different: bigger font in 18 and 19
Also logo is different: bigger font in 18 and 19

Series 20 - Cape - thin plastic
Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: present - Dimensions: 22,0 x 17,0 mm - Colours: Dark blue and pink. Apples Cultivars: \ | / Pink Lady #4128.
Series 21 - Cape - thin plastic, mini barcode


Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: present, all | - Dimensions: 17,0 x 22,0 mm - Colours: Dark blue and black.
Apples Cultivars: 1: Granny Smith 4017 and 4139, 2: Granny Smith 4017.
Pears Cultivars: 2: Packhams 4421, 3: 4409 Bartlett, 4418 Forelle, 4: 4409 Bartlett.
Series 22 - Cape - thin plastic, mini barcode

Series 23 - Cape - thin plastic, mini barcode
Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: present | - Dimensions: 17,0 x 22,0 mm - Colours: Dark blue and black, bkg red or light blue.
Apples Cultivars: blue bkg: Golden 4021, bkg red cerise: Granny 4139.

Series 24 - Cape - thin plastic, mini barcode, smaller cv. name
Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: present | - Dimensions: 17,0 x 22,0 mm - Colours: Dark blue and black, bkg light blue or light brown. Apples Cultivars: blue bkg: Braeburn 4101.
Pears Cultivars: orange bkg: Packhams 4421.

Series 25 - Capespan - thin plastic
Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: present - Dimensions: 22,0 x 17,0 mm - Colours: Dark blue and red or green. Apples Cultivars: / Braeburn 4101 (red), \ | Fuji 4131 (red).
Pears Cultivars: \ | Nashi 4406 (green).