Apples-Big series
Trade name: dovex

Dovex is nestled in the heart of the premier Washington State Apple and Pear growing region - at the foot of the Cascade Mountain Range and along the banks of the mighty Columbia River. Here, the long, arid summer, cool autumn nights, rich volcanic soil and plentiful water supply are teamed with advanced horticultural practices and state of the art packing procedures to produce the most flavorful apples and pears in the WORLD!
Dovex was established by the DeNadai family in 1982 in response to overseas demand for a year round supply of apples. Dovex supplied produce to these markets when others were "out of season". The DeNadai family has developed fruit operations worldwide for over three generations. Dovex has grown from a modest 250,000 cartons in 1982 to over 6 million cartons of apples, pears, organics, cherries, and stone fruits in the current season.
Stemilt Growers' market share of the Northwest tree fruit market grows with its acquisition of Dovex Fruit Co.
The deal, announced March 3, gives Stemilt and its growing partners more than 17,000 acres of apples, pears, cherries and stone fruit to market - a 25% increase in acreage.The De Nadai family, which owned Dovex, retains ownership of Dovex Orchard Co.'s 3,300 acres of mostly apples and is now a grower for Stemilt.
Link to: corporate website, Facebook
Dovex - Analytical key
- Vertical oval
- Apple or pear
- Little plu inside fruit = series 01
- Bigger plu inside a blue rectangle = series 02
- Bird = series 03
- Washington apple = series 04
- Horizontal big oval
- Bird
- Organic = series 05
- W/o organic
- Light bkg = series 06
- Dark bkg = series 07
- W/o bird (also w/o Dovex, some design of series 05)
- W/o arrow = series 08
- Arrow
- Orange bkg
- Big 9 = series 09
- 9 as other numbers = series 09A
- Yellow bkg = series 10


Series 01 - thin plastic
Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: Present - Dimensions: 14,0 x 20,0 mm - Colours: text blue, fruits various colours.Apples Cultivars: 1: \ #4101 Braeburn (red), \ #4131 Fuji (red, light and dark), \ #4017 Granny Smith #4017 (green), / #4139 Granny Smith (green), / #4147 Jonagold (brown), / #4020 and #4021 Golden Delicious (yellow), / #4016 Red Delicious (red).
Pears Cultivars: 2: / #4409 Bartlett (green).


Series 02 - thin plastic
Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: Present - Dimensions: 14,0 x 20,0 mm - Colours: Blue and green or blue and red.Apples Cultivars: 1: / Cox Orange Pippin #4105 (red), / Fuji #4131 (red w/o Dovex), / Gala #4135 (red), Golden Delicious \ #4020 (red) and / #4021 (red), \ Granny Smith #4139, \ Red Delicious #4016.
Pears Cultivars: 2: \ Bartlett #4024, / D'Anjou #4416 (green).


Series 03 - thin plastic
Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: Present - Dimensions: 14,0 x 20,0 mm - Colours: blue and red. Apples Cultivars: 1: | Braeburn #4103, \ Fuji #4129, / Fuji #4131, / Gala #4133, | Gala #4135, | / Granny Smith #4017, | Jonagold #4147, | Red Delicious #4015 and #4016; 2: \ Red Delicious #4016.
Pears Cultivars: 1: | Bosc #4026, / D'Anjou #4025, \ D'Anjou #4416; 2: / D'Anjou #4025.

Series 04 - thin plastic
Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: Present - Dimensions: 14,0 x 20,0 mm - Colours: blue and red. Apples Cultivars: \ Fuji #4131, / Golden Delicious #4020, / Red Delicious #4016.

Series 05 - thin plastic
Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: Present all |- Dimensions: 22,5 x 21,0 mm - Colours: dark blue and orange. Apples Cultivars: Braeburn 94103, CameoŽ 93066, Fuji 94131, Gala 94133 and 94135, Golden Delicious 94020, Granny Smith 94017 and 94139, Jonagold 94145, Pink LadyŽ Brand 94128 and 94130, Red Delicious 94015 and 94016.
Pears Cultivars: Comice 94414, D'Anjou 94416, Red Bartlett 94410.

Series 06 - thin plastic, light colours
Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: Present all | - Dimensions: 22,5 x 21,0 mm - Colours: black and very light brown. Apples Cultivars: Braeburn 4103, CameoŽ 3066, Gala 4135, Golden Delicious 4020 and 4021, Granny Smith 4017, Jonagold 4147, Pink LadyŽ 4128, Red Delicious 3284.
Pears Cultivars: Bartlett 4409, D'Anjou 4416, Red D'Anjou 4417.

Series 07 - thin plastic, darker colours
Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: Present all | - Dimensions: 22,5 x 21,0 mm - Colours: colore. Apples Cultivars: Braeburn 4103, CameoŽ 3065 and 3066, Fuji 4129 and 4131, Golden Delicious 3285, Granny Smith 4139, Jonagold 4147, Red Delicious 3284, 4015 and 4016.

Series 08 - thin plastic, w/o arrow
Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: Present all | - Dimensions: 22,5 x 21,0 mm - Colours: dark blue and orange. Apples Cultivars: Braeburn 94103, CameoŽ 93066, Fuji 94131, Gala 94133 and 94135, Golden Delicious 94021, Honeycrisp 93283, Jonagold 94147, Pink LadyŽ 94128, Red Delicious 94015 and 94016.
Pears Cultivars: Bartlett 94409, Bosc 94413, Comice 94414, D'Anjou 94416, Red D'Anjou 94417.

Series 09 - thin plastic, arrow, big 9
Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: Present all | - Dimensions: 22,5 x 21,0 mm - Colours: dark blue and orange.Apples Cultivars: Braeburn 94103, Cripps Pink 94128, Gala 94133, Golden Delicious 94020, Granny Smith 94017, Red Delicious 94016.

Series 09A - thin plastic, arrow
Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: Present all | - Dimensions: 22,5 x 21,0 mm - Colours: dark blue and orange.Apples Cultivars: Golden Supreme 94020.
Pears Cultivars: Tosca 93434.

Series 10 - thin plastic
Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: Present all | - Dimensions: 22,5 x 21,0 mm - Colours: dark blue and yellow.Apples Cultivars: Fuji 94131, Gala 94133, Golden Delicious 94020, Granny Smith 94139, red Delicious 94015.