Apples-Big series
Trade name: Stemilt

Stemilt's company roots trace back to 1893, when the first generation of Mathisons homesteaded 160 acres on Stemilt Hill overlooking the Columbia River and town of Wenatchee, ashington. By 1914, Thomas Cyle Mathison began planting apple, pear and cherry orchards in the fertile soils of Stemilt Hill, where high-elevation microclimates offered ideal growing conditions for tree fruits.
The Mathison's fruit business grew slow and steady, and like other farms ran into tough times. Despite the challenges, Tom forged ahead and by 1961 had constructed the family's first packinghouse located on Stemilt Hill. In 1964, Tom established the family's first controlled atmosphere storage room and formally incorporated Stemilt Growers.
Expansion continued and by 1975 the Mathison's built a state-of-the-art apple, pear, and cherry packing storage facility at Olds Station in Wenatchee. Tom moved the company headquarters from Stemilt Hill to the new location, making Olds Station the hub of Stemilt's operations.
In 2005, Tom passed on the company presidency to his grandson, West Mathison. Possessing the same drive and determination as his grandfather, West continues to take steps to make Stemilt a stronger business entity and live out its mission - maximize long-term return to the land by building consumer demand.
Link to: corporate website, Wikipedia, Facebook
All labels are made in thin plastic with wrinkle.
Stemilt - Analytical key
- Round form
- Monochrome edge
- Blue edge
- W/o = series 01
- With
- Blue Stemilt = series 02
- Red Stemilt and plu= series 03
- Red Stemilt and black plu= series 04
- Green edge
- Red plu = series 05
- Black plu = series 05a
- Light green edge = series 05b
- Monochrome bkg =Series 05c
- Bichrome edge
- "Produce of USA", plu and = series 06
- "Produce of USA" and plu = series 07
- Only "USA", plu and = series 08
- Big oval
- Blue bkg
- Flavour first = series 09
- Pinata = series 09a
- Green bkg
- "Produce of USA"
- "Produce of USA" at left
- Stemilt Organic = series 10
- Stemilt Certified Organic = series 11
- "Produce of USA" at right= series 12
- "Produce of USA" down= series 13
- Certified Organic = series 14
- Certified/Certifie bio USDA
- USA at left = series 15
- USA at right = series 16
- Bicolor bkg
- Blue bkg and area variable
- "USA" = series 17
- "USA/E.U" = series 18
- Yellow bkg and area variable = series 19
- Multicolor bkg and area variable = series 20
- White bkg and area variable = series 21
- Black bkg and area variable = series 22
- Little oval = series 23
- Rectangular or oval with continuous or dashed colored edge = series 24