Apples-Big series
Trade name: Val Venosta
On October 9, 1990 was signed the birth certificate of an association of cooperatives.
The new association was named "Valley Fruit Growers Cooperative Association Venosta - VI.P Srl and its activities were based on the principles of non-profit cooperative.
In 2010, the association celebrates 20 years of VI.P, characterized by a turbulent past. The collection of fruits and vegetables in Val Venosta amounted to 159,000 tons in 1990 and amounted to 372,000 tonnes in 2009. In the foundation the VI.P was an association of 10 cooperatives, and today consists of seven member cooperatives.
During the last 20 years VI.P has constantly and consistently adapted to market developments and is now known as a flexible productive organization and strictly conduct that represents the interests of approximately 1,800 family farms. The history of the association is full of changes, innovations and reforms and has probably helped to make the association VI.P well prepared to face the challenges of the market.
Cochineal is the symbol of "Integrated production" it is a production method that allows the production of quality fruit and that simultaneously protects the health human environment. We favor natural methods to minimize the use of chemical pesticides. 95% of the amount produced in the Val Venosta is collected in accordance with the guidelines of the IPM. Remaining quantities of apples are organic.
Link to: corporate website, German site, Wikipedia (en), German Wikipedia, Facebook.

In 2010, the association celebrates 20 years of VI.P, characterized by a turbulent past. The collection of fruits and vegetables in Val Venosta amounted to 159,000 tons in 1990 and amounted to 372,000 tonnes in 2009. In the foundation the VI.P was an association of 10 cooperatives, and today consists of seven member cooperatives.
During the last 20 years VI.P has constantly and consistently adapted to market developments and is now known as a flexible productive organization and strictly conduct that represents the interests of approximately 1,800 family farms. The history of the association is full of changes, innovations and reforms and has probably helped to make the association VI.P well prepared to face the challenges of the market.
Cochineal is the symbol of "Integrated production" it is a production method that allows the production of quality fruit and that simultaneously protects the health human environment. We favor natural methods to minimize the use of chemical pesticides. 95% of the amount produced in the Val Venosta is collected in accordance with the guidelines of the IPM. Remaining quantities of apples are organic.
Link to: corporate website, German site, Wikipedia (en), German Wikipedia, Facebook.
White spot: position, wrinkle
Ladybird: ladybird may have 2 white spots, like a reflection of 2 windows: 1 big and the other smaller. White spots position may be: on left wing, on right wing or absent. They are referred in next text as "Up spots", "Down spots" or "No spots".
Wrinkle: Oldest labels have oblique wrinkle while in newest one it is vertical (See page on wrinkle in Documents).
Val Venosta / Vinschgau - Analytical key
- Old series, green mountains
- Only origin w/o
- Thin plastic
- blue sky abruptly interrupted over the mountains, up spots
- Alto Adige Val Venosta = series 01
- Sudtirol Vinschgau = series 02
- blue sky gradually softening to the mountains, down spots
- Alto Adige Val Venosta = series 03
- Sudtirol Val Venosta= series 04
- Sudtirol Vinschgau= series 05
- Only Valvenosta or Vinschgau= series 06
- Bio Valvenosta = series 07
- Vinschgau Valvenosta = series 08
- Thick plastic = series 09
- With, w/o IGP (or g.g.A.)
- Only
- blue sky abruptly interrupted over the mountains, up spots = series 10
- blue sky gradually softening to the mountains, down spots = series 11
- and plu
- blue sky abruptly interrupted over the mountains, up spots = series 12
- blue sky gradually softening to the mountains, down spots = series 13
- With IGP (or g.g.A.), with or w/o
- W/o
- Up spots = series 14
- Down spots
- Mela Alto Adige IGP = series 15
- Sudtiroler Apfel g.g.A .
- Thin plastic with tab = series 16
- Paper w/o tab = series 17
- With = series 18
- New series, snowy mountains
- With Ladybird no spots
- Only Val Venosta or Vinschgau = series 19
- With IGP or g.g.A.
- W/o = series 20
- With = series 21
- With QR Code = series 22
- W/o ladybird with bio
- Only Val Venosta or Vinschgau = series 23
- With IGP or g.g.A. = series 24
- With QR Code = series 25
- Others
- Pinova = series 26
- Old labels shield shaped = series 27
- 2016 series, 2 stylized ladybird
- W/o = series 28
- With and origin (Alto Adige IGP) = series 29
- With w/o origin= series 29a
Series 01 - thin plastic, up spot
Series 02 - thin plastic, up spot

Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: present - Dimensions: 22,0 x 17,0 mm - Colours: blue, black, green and red.
Apples Cultivars: \ / no cv.
Series 03 - thin plastic, down spot

Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: present - Dimensions: 22,0 x 17,0 mm - Colours: blue, black, green and red.
Apples Cultivars: \ / no cv.
Series 04 - thin plastic, down spot
Series 05 - thin plastic, down spot

Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: present - Dimensions: 22,0 x 17,0 mm - Colours: blue, black, green and red.
Apples Cultivars: | no cv.
Series 06 - thin plastic, down spot
Series 07 - thin plastic

Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: present - Dimensions: 22,0 x 17,0 mm - Colours: blue, black, green and red.
Apples Cultivars: | no cv.
Series 08 - paper

Material: paper - Surface: mat - Wrinkle: absent - Dimensions: 20,0 x 13,0 mm - Colours: blue, black, green and red.
Apples Cultivars: no cv.
Series 09 - thick plastic, up spot










Material: thick plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: absent - Dimensions: 22,0 x 17,0 mm - Colours: 1, 4: light blue gray, black, green and red; 2, 3: blue (from light to medium), black, green and red. Differences between 2 and 3: in #2 Val Venosta is 17,5 mm wide while in #3 is 19 mm, font is more spaced in #3; in #3 ladybug left antenna is tangent at beginning of a letter while in #2 in near the little space under a letter; in #2 the first A (of Alto) is at same level of V apex, in #3 is at same level of a of Val; mountains have sharp apex and uniform colour while in #3 they are rounded and screen print.
Apples Cultivars: 1-4: no cv.
Series 10 - thin plastic, up spot

Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: present - Dimensions: 22,0 x 17,0 mm - Colours: blue, black, green and red.
Apples Cultivars: \ / Golden.
Series 11 - thin plastic, down spot
Series 12 - thin plastic, up spot
Series 13 - thin plastic, down spot
Series 14 - thick plastic, up spot

Material: thick plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: absent - Dimensions: 22,0 x 17,0 mm - Colours: blue, black, green and red.
Apples Cultivars: no cv.
Series 15 - thin/thick plastic, down spot
Series 16 - thin plastic, down spot
Series 17 - paper, down spot

Material: paper - Surface: half-shiny - Wrinkle: absent - Dimensions: 24,0 x 16,0 mm - Colours: light glayblue, black, green and red.
Apples Cultivars: no cv.
Series 18 - thin plastic, down spot
Series 19 - thin plastic, no spot
Series 20 - thin plastic, no spot
Series 21 - thin plastic, no spot
Series 22 - thin plastic, no spot

Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: present, all | - Dimensions: 22,0 x 17,0 mm - Colours: blue, black, green and red.
Apples Cultivars: no cv.
Series 23 - thin plastic, w/o ladybird
Series 24 - thin plastic, w/o ladybird

Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: present, all | - Dimensions: 22,0 x 17,0 mm - Colours: blue, black, green and red.
Apples Cultivars: no cv.
Series 25 - thin plastic, w/o ladybird

Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: present, all | - Dimensions: 22,0 x 17,0 mm - Colours: blue, black, green and red.
Apples Cultivars: no cv.
Series 26 - thin plastic, no spot

Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: present, all | - Dimensions: 22,0 x 17,0 mm - Colours: orange-red, black and red.
Apples Cultivars: Pinova.
Series 27 - paper / thin plastic, no spot
Series 28 - thin plastic

In series 28, 29 and 30 there is a tab (surface w/o glue on the back) included in the oval and not protruding as usual.
There are labels with left or right tab; see also in series 29 Pinova labels where the tab is evident.
There are labels with left or right tab; see also in series 29 Pinova labels where the tab is evident.
Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: present, all | - Dimensions: 22,0 x 17,0 mm - Colours: 1, 2: black, yellow and red; 3, 4: black, green and red.
Apples Cultivars: 1-4: no cv.
Series 29 - thin plastic
Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: present, all | - Dimensions: 22,0 x 17,0 mm - Colours: 1, 2, 5: black, yellow and red; 3, 4: black and red; 6, 7: black and yellow.
Apples Cultivars: 1-2: Golden #4021, Red Delicious #4015; 3-4: Pinova #3435; 5: Golden #4021; 6-7: Pinova gialla.
Series 29a - thin plastic, w/o origin
Series 30 - thin plastic, w/o trade name, same design
The new "Amélie" fantasy brand is born to clearly distinguishing between apples of the highest quality and less perfect apples. [similar to Melasi for Melinda]
Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: present, all | - Dimensions: 22,0 x 17,0 mm - Colours: deep pink, green and black.
Apples Cultivars: 1-2: Amelie.