In this page Labels w white to pale prim bkg and black or colored text

    Labels with white bkg - Analytical key
  • White bkg
    • Red or pink text
      • Only Cv. name = Series 01
      • Cv. name and plu = Series 02
      • Cv. name, plu and adjectives = Series 03
    • Orange text = Series 03a
    • Green text = Series 04
    • Blue text
      • Thick plastic
        • Only Cv. name = Series 05
        • Cv. name and plu = Series 05a
      • Paper or thin plastic
        • Oval horizontal
          • W/o tab
            • Paper = Series 06
            • Paper w cuts = Series 07
          • W tab
            • Left arrow = Series 08
            • Right arrow = Series 09
            • Down arrow = Series 10
        • Oval vertical = Series 11
    • Violet text = Series 12
    • Black text
      • Oval
        • Only plu
          • Only number = Series 13
          • Plu and number = Series 14
          • # and number = Series 15
        • Only Cv. name
          • W/o tab = Series 16
          • W tab = Series 17
        • Cv. name and plu
          • Oval w/o tab
            • Width16 mm = Series 18
            • Width 19,0 - 21,5 mm = Series 19
            • Width 22 mm, thin text = Series 20
            • Width 22 mm, bold text = Series 21
          • Oval w tab
            • Width18 mm, down tab = Series 22
            • Width 22 mm, left tab w/o arrow = Series 23
            • Width 22 mm, right tab w/o arrow = Series 23a
            • Right tab w arrow, thin plastic = Series 24
            • Right tab w arrow, thick plastic = Series 25
      • Round w/o tab
        • Width15 mm = Series 26
        • Width 17 mm = Series 27
        • Width 19-20 mm = Series 28
      • Rectangular w/o tab
        • 10 x 15 mm = Series 29
        • 22 x 10 mm = Series 30
        • Bigger = Series 31
    • Two colored text
      • Red and black
        • Thin plastic = Series 32
        • thick plastic = Series 33
        • paper = Series 33a
      • Blue and red = Series 34
  • Pale prim to mint cream bkg = Series 35
Series 01 - Thick plastic, Only cv. name, red text

Material: 1-5: thick plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: absent - Dimensions: 22,0 x 17,0 mm - Colours: red.
Apples Cultivars: 1: Boskoop, Braeburn, Elstar, Gala, Granny Smith, Jonagold, Jonagored, Red Chief; 4, 5: Golden Delicious (low or high font).
Pears Cultivars: 1: Abate Fetel, Comice, Doyenne, Durondeau, Passe Crassane; 2, 3 Conference (low or high font),
Series 01a - Thin plastic, Cv. name, pink text

Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: present | - Dimensions: 19,0 x 14,0 mm; - Colours: pink.
Apples Cultivars: 1: Crip's ®.
Series 02 - Thick plastic/paper, Cv. name and plu, red text

Material: 1-3: thick plastic; 4-5: paper - Surface: 1-3: shiny; 4-5: half-shiny to mat - Wrinkle: absent - Dimensions: 1, 2: 22,0 x 17,0 mm; 3: 20,0 x 13,0 mm; 4: 17,5 x 13,0 mm; 5: 12,0 x 12,0 mm - Colours: red.
Apples Cultivars: 1, 2: Cox 4015, Red Chief 4016; 4: McIntosh #4152, Red Delicious #4167; 5: Royal Gala # 4173
Pears Cultivars: 3: Red D'Anjou 4417
Series 03 - Thick plastic/paper, Cv. name, plu , red text

Material: 1: paper; 2: thick plastic - Surface: 1: mat; 2: shiny - Wrinkle: absent - Dimensions: 1: 20,0 x 14,5 mm; 2: 22,0 x 17,0 mm; - Colours: red.
Apples Cultivars: 1: #4101 Braeburn fein sauerlich aromatisch, #4105 Cox Orange aromatisch wurzig, #4121 Elstar lieblich wurzig, #4145 Jonagold susslich fein erfrischend; 2: #4101 Braeburn fein sauerlich aromatisch.
Series 03a - Thin plastic, Cv. name, orange text

Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: present | - Dimensions: 21,0 x 16,0 mm; - Colours: orange.
Apples Cultivars: 1: Golden delicious 4020.
Series 04 - Thick plastic/paper, Cv. name and plu, green text

Material: 1-3: thick plastic ; 4-6: paper;- Surface: 1-3: shiny; 4-6: half-shiny - Wrinkle: absent - Dimensions: 1-3: 22,0 x 17,0 mm; 2: 16,0 x 10,0 mm; 4: 21,0 x 10,0 mm; 5:19,5 x 16,0 mm; 6: 21,0 x 13,0 mm - Colours: green.
Apples Cultivars: 1: Boskoop 4206, Fuji 4131; 3: Granny 4017 (darker green); 4: Golden plu 4021; 5: Gala # 4133; 6: Granny Smith # 4017.
Pears Cultivars: 2: Conference 3017, Doyenne Du Comice 4414
Series 05 - Thick plastic, Only cv. name, blue text

Material: thick plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: absent - Dimensions: 1: 22,0 x 17,0 mm - Colours: blue.
Apples Cultivars: 1: Fuji, Gloster, Red Chief, Royal Gala; 2: Braeburn, Golden Delicious (2 "delicious" width: 14 and 16 mm), Granny Smith, Jonaprince
Series 05a - Thick plastic, Cv. name and plu, blue text

Material: 1-3: thick plastic - Surface: 1-3: shiny - Wrinkle: absent - Dimensions: 1-3: 22,0 x 17,0 mm - Colours: blue.
Apples Cultivars: 1: Delbard estivale 3003, Gloster 3344, Golden Delicious 4021, Granny 4017, Idared 4140, Rubin 7169; 2, 3: Gala 4133 (thin or thick font).
Series 06 - Paper, Cv. name and plu, blue text

Material: paper - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: absent - Dimensions: 1: 20,5 x 16,0 mm - Colours: blue.
Apples Cultivars: 2: Royal Gala #4173.
Pears Cultivars: 1: Asian Pears #4407, Asian Pears #4408.
Series 07 - Paper, Cv. name and plu, 6 cuts, blue text

Material: 1-4: paper - Surface: 1-4: half shiny to mat - Wrinkle: absent - Cuts: 1-4: 6 cutsDimensions: 1: 17,0 x 14,0 mm; 2: 20,0 x 17,0 mm; 3: 17,0 x 14,0 mm; 4: 18,0 x 14,0 mm - Colours: blue.
Apples Cultivars: 1: #4111 Crispin; 2: Rome 4171; 4: Jonatan.
Pears Cultivars: 3: Bartlett #4409.
Series 08 - Thin plastic, Cv. name and plu, blue text

Material: thin plastic - Surface: half shiny - Wrinkle: absent - Dimensions: 1: 21,0 x 13,0 mm; - Colours: blue.
Apples Cultivars: 1: GoldenDelicious 4020, Jonagold 4147(light and dark colors).
Series 09 - Paper, Cv. name and plu, blue text

Material: paper - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: present - Dimensions: 1: 23,0 x 14,0 mm; - Colours: blue.
Apples Cultivars: 1: / Granny Smith #4017, / Royal Gala #4174.
Series 10 - Paper, Cv. name and plu, blue text

Material: paper - Surface: half shiny to mat - Wrinkle: absent - Dimensions: 18,0 x 13,0 mm - Colours: blue.
Apples Cultivars: 1:Gala #4134, McIntosh #4019 (thin or thick font).
Series 11 - Thick plastic, cv. name, blue text

Material: paper - Surface: half shiny - Wrinkle: absent - Dimensions: 15,5 x 20,5 mm - Colours: blue.
Pears Cultivars: 4: Comice #4414, Taylor's Gold #4553.
Series 12 - Cv. name and plu, violet text

Material: 1, 1a: thin plastic; 2, 2a: thick plastic; 3, 4: paper - Surface: 1-2, 2a: shiny; 3, 4: half shiny - Wrinkle: 1, 1a: present; 2, 2a, 3: absent - Dimensions: 1, 1a: 21,0 x 14,0 mm; 2: 22,0 x 17,0 mm; 2a: 24,0 x 14,0 mm; 3, 4: 20,5 x 16,0 mm - Colours: violet.
Apples Cultivars: 2: Granny Smith; 3: #4131; 4: Large Red Delicious Apple #4168.
Pears Cultivars: 1: Bosc #4413 pear; 1a: #4409; 2a: Red Modoc ®; 4: Large Bosc Pear #4412.
Series 13 - Paper, only plu, black text

Material: paper - Surface: mat - Wrinkle: absent - Dimensions: 22,0 x 17,0 mm - Colours: black.
Apples Cultivars: 1: 6523; 2, 3: 3111 (this number is Papaya plu but in Slovakia is used for Gala)
Series 14 - Paper, only plu, black text

Material: paper - Surface:mat except 3a: half-shiny - Wrinkle: absent - Dimensions: 1: 16,0 x 10,0 mm; 2: 18,0 x 12,0 mm; 3: 21,0 x 17,0 mm; 3a: 19,5 x 16,0 mm; 4: 32,0 x 18,0 mm - Colours: black.
Apples Cultivars: 1: plu # 4017, plu # 4140, plu # 4141; 2: plu #4139, plu # 4140, plu # 4141; 3: plu 4173; 3a: plu # 4173; 4: plu 4016.
Series 15 - Paper/thick plastic, only plu, black text

Material: 1, 2: paper; 3, 4: thick plastic - Surface: 1: half shiny; 2: mat; 3, 4: shiny - Wrinkle: absent - Dimensions: 1: 21,0 x 15,0 mm; 2-4: 22,0 x 17,0 mm - Colours: black.
Apples Cultivars: 2: # 4016, #4017.
Pears Cultivars: 1: EF # 4421; 3: #3021; 4: #4409.
Series 16 - Paper/thick plastic, only Cv. name, black text

Material: 1, 2, 4: paper; 3: thick plastic - Surface: 1: half shiny; 2, 4: mat; 3: shiny - Wrinkle: absent - Dimensions: 1: 16,0 x 10,0 mm; 2, 3: 21,0 x 17,0 mm; 4: 20,0 x 14,0 mm - Colours:black.
Apples Cultivars: 1: Gala plu 4173, Rubin; 2: Maca Fuji, Maca Jonagored, Royal Gala; 4: Pinova.
Pears Cultivars: 3: Ukelele.
Series 17 - Thick plastic, only Cv. name, black text

Material: thick plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: absent - Dimensions: 1: 22,0 x 17,0 mm - Colours: black.
Apples Cultivars: 1: Fuji, Gala, Pirouette, Red Chief; 2: Golden Delicious, Royal Gala; 3: Canada Gris, Patte de Loup, Red Delicious, Reine des Reinettes; 4: Golden Rosee.
Pears Cultivars: 1: Guyot, Rocha, Williams.
Series 18 - Paper, Cv. name and plu, black text

Material: paper - Surface: half shiny to mat - Wrinkle: absent - Dimensions: 16,0 x 10,0 mm - Colours: black.
Apples Cultivars: 1: Gloster plu 3345, Gloster plu 4035, Idared # 4140, Jonagold plu 7555; 2: Gloster #3344, Idared plu 4035, Idared plu 4140, Jonagold # 4147, Rubin # 7169.
Pears Cultivars: 3: Nashi plu 95112.
Series 19 - Paper/thin plastic, Cv. name and plu, black text

Material: 1-4: paper; 5: thin plastic - Surface: 14: half shiny to mat; 5: shiny - Wrinkle: 1-4: absent; 5: present - Dimensions: 1: 19,0 x 13,0 mm; 1a: 20,0 x 12,0 mm; 1b: 20,0 x 14,0 mm; 2: 20,5 x 16,0 mm; 3, 4: 21,0 x 17,0 mm; 5: 21,5 x 17,0 mm - Colours: black.
Apples Cultivars: 1a: Jonagold plu4147; 3: Sobrina # 4015; 5: Red Prince plu 263, Red Prince plu 263 (bigger text).
Pears Cultivars: 1: Asian #4407 Pear, Asian #4408 Pear; 2: Pears #4407 Asian, Pear #4406 Shinseiki; 4: Pera General Leclerc; 5: Williams # 3071.
Series 20 - Paper, Cv. name and plu, black text

Material: paper - Surface: mat - Wrinkle: absent - Dimensions: 1-4: 22,0 x 17,0 mm - Colours: black.
Apples Cultivars: 2: Gala 3111 (this number is Papaya plu but in Slovakia is used for Gala); 3: Golden 4021, Idared 9701, Jablko S Motivem 6614, Jonagold 4147, Rubin 0466, Rubin 3402; Red Delicious 3176, Red Delicious 4015.
Pears Cultivars: 1: Conference 4421.
Series 21 - Paper, Cv. name and plu, black text
thick plastic, plu font more spaced.

Material: paper - Surface: half shiny to mat - Wrinkle: absent - Dimensions: 22,0 x 17,0 mm - Colours: black.
Apples Cultivars: 1: Braeburn 4101, Gala 4133, Gloster 3344, Granny Smith 4139, Idared 9701, Jonagold 4147, Red Prince 3107; 2: Red Delicious 4015; 3: Red Delicious 4015.
Pears Cultivars: 1: Hruska 4410, Hruska 4421.
Series 22 - Paper, Cv. name and plu, black text
thick plastic, plu font more spaced.

Material: paper - Surface: mat - Wrinkle: absent - Dimensions: 18,0 x 13,0 mm - Colours: black.
Pears Cultivars: 1: Bartlett 94024.
Series 23 - Paper, Cv. name and plu, black text
thick plastic, plu font more spaced.

Material: paper - Surface: mat - Wrinkle: absent - Dimensions: 22,0 x 17,0 mm - Colours: black.
Pears Cultivars: 1: #4410# Williams Rouge; 2: Poire Alexandrine #3900.
Series 23a - thick plastic, Cv. name and plu, black text

Material: thick plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: absent - Dimensions: 22,0 x 17,0 mm - Colours:black.
Apples Cultivars: 1: Fuji 4131
Series 24 - Thin plastic, Cv. name and plu, black text

Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: present - Dimensions: 22,0 x 17,0 mm - Colours: black.
Apples Cultivars: 1: Gala #4135; 2: Gala 4133; 3: Idared 9701, Jonagold 4147, Red Jonaprince 4193.
Pears Cultivars: 3: Hrusky Cervene 4410, Hrusky Zelene 4421
Series 25 - Thick plastic, Cv. name and plu, black text

Material: thick plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: absent - Dimensions: 22,0 x 17,0 mm - Colours: black. Plu dimensions 1: little plu number: 2-3 mm high, 2, 3: bigger plu number: 4 mm high
Apples Cultivars: 1: Boskoop 3291 and 3292, Canada Gris 3009, Chantecler 3339, Fuji 4129 and 4131, Gala 4133 and 4135, Gloster 3344, Golden Delicious 4021, Granny 4017 and 4139, Idared 4140, Jonagold 4145 and 4147, Reinette Armorique 4208, Reine des Reinettes 3350, Reinette Clochard 4208, Royal Gala 4173 and 4174; 3: Braeburn 4103, Chantecler 3339 Belchard, Elstar 4123, Early Gold 4116, Gala 4133 and 4174, Golden Delicious 4020, Jonagold 4145, Jonagored 4147, Red Chief 4016, Red Delicious 4015 and 4016, Red Winter 4015 and 4016, Rubin 3402, Rubinette 3008.
Pears Cultivars: 1: Doyenne du Comice 3316 and 4414, William Rouge 4410; 2: Abate Fetel 3012; 3: Beurre Hardy 3013, Conference 3017, Guyot 3021, Passe Crassane 3023, William 4024 and 4409.
Series 26 - Paper, Cv. name and plu, black text

Material: paper - Surface: mat - Wrinkle: absent - Dimensions: 15,0 x 15,0 mm - Colours: black.
Apples Cultivars: 1: Braeburn 4101, Cripps Pink 0853, Fuji 4129, Gala 3111, Gala 4133; 2n: Plu 4173.
Series 27 - Paper, Cv. name, black text

Material: paper - Surface: mat - Wrinkle: absent - Dimensions: 17,0 x 17,0 mm - Colours: black.
Apples Cultivars: 1: Granny Smith.
Series 28 - Paper, Cv. name and plu, black text

Material: paper - Surface: mat - Wrinkle: absent - Dimensions: 1-9: 20,0 x 20,0 mm; 10: 19,0 x 19,0 mm - Colours: black.
Apples Cultivars: 1: plu 4017 Granny Smith; 2: plu 4139 Granny Smith; 3-6: plu 8183 Granny Smith; 7: Granny; 8: plu 8180 Royal Gala§; 9: #4103 Braeburn, #4130 Cripps Pink; 10: Granny 4017 Smith.
Series 29 - Paper, Cv. name, black text

Material: paper - Surface: mat - Wrinkle: absent - Dimensions: 10,0 x 15,0 mm - Colours: black.
Apples Cultivars: 1: 4167.
Series 30 - Paper, plu font 3,0 mm height

Material: paper - Surface: half shiny to mat - Wrinkle: absent - Dimensions: 22,0 x 10,0 mm - Colours: black.
Apples Cultivars: 2: 3107 Red Prince, 0466 Rubin; 3: 9701 Idared, Jonagold 4147; 4: 4147 Jonagold, 4015 Red Delicious, 4173 Royal Gala; 5: 4018 Granny Smith, 9701 Idared, 4147 Jonagold,.
Pears Cultivars: 1: Abate 3012.
Series 31 - Thick plastic / paper

Material: paper - Surface: mat - Wrinkle: absent - Dimensions: 1: 34,0 x 15,0 mm; 2: 20,0 x 20,0 mm; 3: 32,0 x 24,5 mm; 4: 38,0 x 26,0 mm - Colours: black.
Apples Cultivars: 1: 5 (check label inside a cardbox of Gala apples); 2: #4017 Granny Smith; 3: plu 4140; 4: plu 4017.
Series 32 - Thin plastic

Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: present, all | - Dimensions: 22,0 x 17,0 mm - Colours: red and black.
Apples Cultivars: 1: Boskoop #4205 wurzig herb, Braeburn #4101 suss sauerlich, Braeburn #4103 suss sauerlich, Cox Orange #4105 wurzig fruchtig, Elstar #4121 suss wurzig, Fuji #4131 susslich, Gala #4133 suss fruchtig, Gala #4135 suss fruchtig, Golden Delicious #4021 susslich, Granny Smith #4139 fein sauerlich, Jonagold #4201 suss sauerlich, Holsteiner Cox #4204 wurzig fruchtig, Pinova #3066 suss fruchtig.
Series 33 - Thick plastic

Material: thick plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: absent - Dimensions: 22,0 x 17,0 mm - Colours: red and black.
Apples Cultivars: 1: Braeburn #4103 suss-sauerlich, Cox Orange #4105 wurzig-fruchtig, Elstar #4123 suss-wurzig, Granny Smith #4139 fein-sauerlich, Jonagold #4147 suss-sauerlich, Jonagored #4147 suss-sauerlich, Pinova #3435 suss-fruchtig, Roter Boskoop #4205 wurzig-herb, Topaz #4193 wurzig-fruchtig.
Series 33a - Thick plastic

Material: paper - Surface: half-shiny - Wrinkle: absent - Dimensions: 21,0 x 16,0 mm - Colours: red and black.
Apples Cultivars: 1: Fuji #4131.
Series 34 - Paper

Material: 1, 2: paper; 3: thin plastic - Surface: 1-3: half shiny to mat - Wrinkle: 1, 2: absent; 3: present - Dimensions: 1: 18,0 x 13,0 mm, 2: 13,0 x 21,0 mm (6 cuts); 3: 13,0 x 21,0 mm - Colours: blue and red.
Apples Cultivars: 1: Golden Del. #4020; 2: #4021; 3: Rome #4172 .
Series 35 - Paper/thick plastic, pale prim to mint cream bkg

Material: 1, 4-6: paper; 2, 3: thick plastic - Surface: 1, 4-6: half shiny to mat; 2, 3: shiny - Wrinkle: absent - Dimensions: 1: 25,0 x 15,0 mm; 2-6: 22,0 x 17,0 mm - Colours: dark blue to black.
Apples Cultivars: 2: Royal Gala; 3: Braeburn 4103, Elstar 4123, Granny Smith 4017; 4: Elstar 4123; 5: Red Chief 4016; 6: Reine des Reinettes #3350.
Pears Cultivars: 1: Conference.