In this page Labels w blue or violet bkg

    Labels with blue or violet bkg - Analytical key
  • Blue bkg
    • White text
      • Light blue to azure
        • Oval w/o tab = Series 01
        • Oval w tab and arrow = Series 02
        • Oval w tab w/o arrow = Series 02a
      • Blue to dark blue
        • Oval w/o tab = Series 03
        • Oval w tab = Series 04
        • Oval w tab and arrow
          • Batavia font
          • Only Cv. name
            • Large base arrow = Series 05
            • Normal arrow = Series 06
          • Cv. name and plu
            • Large base arrow = Series 07
            • Normal arrow, paper = Series 08
            • Normal arrow, thick plastic = Series 09
          • Arial or alike font = Series 10
    • Black text
      • Oval w/o tab = Series 11
      • Oval w tab = Series 12
      • Oval w tab and arrow = Series 13
    • Others = Series 14
  • Violet bkg
    • Oval w/o tab = Series 15
    • Oval w tab = Series 16
    • Oval w tab and arrow
      • Thin plastic
        • Little label, 20 mm wide = Series 17
        • Larger label, 22 mm wide
          • Cv. name, plu and adjectives = Series 18
          • Only and plu = Series 19
      • Thick plastic
        • Little label, 21 mm wide = Series 20
        • Larger label, 22 mm wide
          • Cv. name, plu and adjectives = Series 21
          • Only and plu
            • Arial or alike font = Series 22
            • Batavia font = Series 23
    • Red-Violet bkg = Series 24
Series 01 - Thin plastic/paper, white text

Material:1: thin plastic; 2: paper - Surface: 1: shiny; 2: half-shiny - Wrinkle: 1: present all |; 2: absent - Dimensions: 1: 19,0 x 14,0 mm; 2: 20,0 x 16,0 mm - Colours: blue.
Apples Cultivars: 1: Braeburn #4103, Criterion #4113; 2: Braeburn 4103, R. Gala 4174.
Pears Cultivars: 1: Golden Bosc #4413, Comice #4414, Red Anjou #4417.
Series 02 - Thin/thick plastic, white text

Material: 1, 2: thin plastic; 3, 4: thick plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: 1, 2: present; 3, 4: absent - Dimensions: 1: 19,5 x 14,0 mm; 2-4: 22,0 x 17,0 mm; - Colours: blue (various shades).
Apples Cultivars: 1: \ Fuji #4129s, \ Fuji #4131L; 2: | / Granny Smith 4139; 3: Braeburn 4101; 4: Granny Smith 4139.
Series 02A - Paper

Material: paper - Surface: half-shiny - Wrinkle: absent - Dimensions: 20,0 x 15,5 mm - Colours: light blue, red and black.
Apples Cultivars: 1: Gala 3111
Series 03 - Paper/thick plastic, white text

Material: 1-5, 7-9: paper; 6: : thick plastic - Surface: 1-5, 8, 9: half-shiny; 6: shiny; 5a, 7: mat - Wrinkle: absent - Cuts: 1-4, 6, 9: absent; 5, 5a, 7, 8: 6 cuts - Dimensions: 1: 21,5 x 15,0 mm; 2: 21,5 x 14,0 mm; 3, 6, 9: 20,0 x 13,0 mm; 4: 20,0 x 16,0 mm; 5, 5a, 8: 20,0 x 17,0 mm; 7: 21,0 x 16,0 mm - Colours: dark blue.
Apple Cultivars: 1: 4131; 2: Rome #4172; 3: Royal Gala 4173; 4: Rome #4171; 5a: Braeburn #4103; 6: Golden Del. 4021; 7: Braeburn #4103; 8: Jonagold plu 4147; 9: Pink Lady 5030.
Pears Cultivars: 5: Asian #4408, Bartlett #4409.
Series 04 - Thick plastic, white text

Material: thick plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: absent - Dimensions: 1: 21,0 x 16,0 mm; 2: 22,0 x 17,0 mm - Colours: dark blue.
Apple Cultivars: 2: Fuji Pears Cultivars: 1: Abate # 3012 Fetel, Santa Maria # 3378 Pears.
Series 05 - Thick plastic, white text

Material: thick plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: absent - Dimensions: 22,0 x 17,0 mm - Colours: dark blue.
Apples Cultivars: 1: Cox, Golden Delicious, Jonagold
Pears Cultivars: 1: Conference, Doyenne du Comice, William.
Series 06 - Thick plastic, white text

Material: thick plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: absent - Dimensions: 22,0 x 17,0 mm - Colours: dark blue.
Apples Cultivars: 1: Boskoop, Delcorf, Fuji, Gala, Granny Smith, Jonagored, Red Delicious, Royal Gala.
Pears Cultivars: 1: Bertanne, Doyenne.
Series 07 - Thick plastic, white text

Material: thick plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: absent - Dimensions: 22,0 x 17,0 mm - Colours: dark blue.
Pears Cultivars: 1: Conference 3017, Doyenne du Comice 4414 and 4471, Durondeau 3018, Santa Maria 3378.
Pears Cultivars: 2: Kaiser # 4026
Series 08 - Paper, white text

Material: paper - Surface: half-shiny - Wrinkle: absent - Dimensions: 1: 22,0 x 17,0 mm; 2: 20,5 x 15,0 mm - Colours: dark blue.
Apples Cultivars: 1: Braeburn 4101, Chantecler 3339, Fuji 4131, Golden Delicious 4020, Granny 4017, Red Chief 4015.
Series 09 - Thick plastic, white text

Material: thick plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: absent - Dimensions: 22,0 x 17,0 mm - Colours: dark blue.
Apples Cultivars: 1: Belgica 3602, Boskoop 3292, Braeburn 4103, Cox 4105, Elstar 4121 and 4123, Fuji 4129 and 4131, Gala 4135, Golden Delicious 4021, Granny 4017 and 4139, Jonagold 4145, Jonagold 4147, Jonagored 4147, Red Chief 4016, Red Delicious 4015, Reine des Reinettes 3351, Royal Gala 4174.
Pears Cultivars: Doyenne du Comice 3316
Series 10 - Thick plastic/paper, white text

Material: 1: thick plastic; 2: paper - Surface: 1: shiny; 2: half.shiny - Wrinkle: absent - Dimensions: 1: 22,0 x 17,0 mm; 2: 20,0 x 15,5 mm - Colours: dark blue.
Apples Cultivars: 1: Golden Delicious #4020, Granny Smith # 4017.
Pears Cultivars: 2: Kaiser # 4026
Series 11 - Paper/thick plastic, black text

Material:1: paper; 2: thick plastic - Surface: 1: half-shiny; 2: shiny - Wrinkle: 1-2: absent - Dimensions: 1: 19,5 x 15,0 mm; 2: 21,0 x 17,0 mm - Colours: light blue and black.
Apples Cultivars: 1: Belchard 4210, Fuji 4131; Golden Delicious 4020, Granny Smith 4017, Red Delicious 4016, Reinette du Canada 3009, Royal Gala 4174; 2: Royal Gala.
Series 12 - Paper, black text

Material:1: paper- Surface: 1: half-shiny - Wrinkle: 1: absent - Dimensions: 1: 21,5 x 17,0 mm - Colours: blue and black.
Apples Cultivars: 1: Fuji 4129; Granny Smith 4017.
Series 13 - Paper/thick plastic, black text

Material: 1, 5: thick plastic; 2-4: paper - Surface: 1, 5: shiny; 2-4: half-shiny - Wrinkle: absent - Dimensions: 1, 5: 22,0 x 17,0 mm; 2-4: 21,5 x 17,0 mm - Colours: light to dark blue and black.
Apple Cultivars: 1: Golden Delicious; 2: Gala #4135; 4: Golden Delicious; 5: Red Chief.
Pears Cultivars: 2: William Rouge # 4410; 3: Abate Fetel 3012; 5: Doyenne du Comice 4414.
Series 14 - Divers, paper/thin/thick plastic

Material: 1, 5 : thick plastic; 2: thin plastic; 3, 4, 6: paper - Surface: 1, 2, 5: shiny; 3, 4, 6: half-shiny - Wrinkle: absent - Dimensions: 1, 5, 6: 22,0 x 17,0 mm; 2-4: 21,5 x 17,0 mm - Colours: 1, 2: dark blue; 3: dark blue and red; 4, 5: dark blue and yellow; 6: dark blue and gold.
Apple Cultivars: 1: Cripps Pink 4128 and 4130; 2: Braeburn aromatisch knackig, Granny Smith knackig sauerlich; 3: Red Chief #4016; 4: Golden #4020; 5: Golden Delicious 4021; 6: Royal Gala.
Series 15 - Paper/thick plastic, white text

Material:1, 3, 4: paper; 2, 5: thick plastic - Surface: 1, 3, 4: half-shiny; 2, 5: shiny - Wrinkle: 1-5: absent - Dimensions: 1: 20,0 x 13,0 mm; 2: 20,0 x 17,0 mm; 3: 21,0 x 17,0 mm; 4, 5: 21,0 x 18,0 mm - Colours: 1, 2: light to dark violet; 3-5: very dark blue-violet and orange-yellow.
Pears Cultivars: 1: 6062 Packham Pears2: Rocha 3024.
Series 16 - Thick plastic, white text

Material: thick plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: absent - Dimensions: 22,0 x 17,0 mm - Colours: violet.
Pears Cultivars: Rocha 3024.
Series 17 - Thin plastic, white text

Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: present - Dimensions: 20,0 x 14,0 mm - Colours: dark violet.
Apples Cultivars: \ Royal Gala 4173.
Series 18 - Thin plastic, white text

Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: present - Dimensions: 22,0 x 17,0 mm - Colours: light to dark violet.
Pears Cultivars: 1: \ | 6062 Pear, \ 6062 Packham Pears; 2: | Forelle 4418.
Series 19 - Thin plastic, white text

Material: thin plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: present, all | - Dimensions: 22,0 x 17,0 mm - Colours: light to dark violet.
Pears Cultivars: 1: Flamingo Blush 3019, Rosemarie Blush 3025.
Apples Cultivars: 1: Golden Delicious 4021; 2: Royal Gala 4173; 3: Royal Gala 4173.
Series 20- Thick plastic, white text

Material: thick plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: absent - Dimensions: 22,0 x 17,0 mm - Colours: light to dark violet.
Pears Cultivars: Rocha 3024.
Series 21- Thick plastic, white text

Material: thick plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: absent - Dimensions: 22,0 x 17,0 mm - Colours: dark violet.
Pears Cultivars: 6062 Packham Pears.
Series 22 - Thick plastic, white text

Material: 1-4: thick plastic - Surface: 1-4: shiny - Wrinkle: absent - Dimensions: 1-3,: 22,0 x 17,0 mm; 4: 22,5 x 17,0 mm - Colours: light to dark violet.
Apple Cultivars: 1: Golden Delicious 4021, Royal Gala 4173.
Pears Cultivars: 1: Forelle Blush 4418; 2: Rocha 3024; 3: Rocha 3024; 4: Rocha 3024.
Series 23 - Thick plastic, white text

Material: thick plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: absent - Dimensions: 22,0 x 17,0 mm - Colours: dark violet.
Apples Cultivars: Red Chief 4016.
Series 24- Thick plastic, yellow text

Material: thick plastic - Surface: shiny - Wrinkle: absent - Dimensions: 22,0 x 17,0 mm - Colours: yellow on red-violet bkg.
Apples Cultivars: Chantecler 3339.