Melinda: stickers support
This contribution was written in collaboration with Fernando de Paoli,
it is developed on several pages connected by links as in left menu. You can read it in Italian, English or French.
Stickers support
First labels Melinda, those with the bee, were printed in 4 colors on paper with adhesive back and placed on a white grayish paper.
Support was wrapped in rolls 3 cm wide for the first round sticker(series 001, 1989). [Support Type 1 = S1]
Oval label of years 1990-1992 was placed on a 2 cm wide support. Between the labels you can see small incisions U-shaped (may be was used for tests of mechanization). [Support Type 2 = S2]
Both types of labels were applied by hand on apples.

Support was wrapped in rolls 3 cm wide for the first round sticker(series 001, 1989). [Support Type 1 = S1]
Oval label of years 1990-1992 was placed on a 2 cm wide support. Between the labels you can see small incisions U-shaped (may be was used for tests of mechanization). [Support Type 2 = S2]
Both types of labels were applied by hand on apples.

System completely change with the introduction of registered Logo "Melinda ®" studied by the London "Minale
and Tattersfield" (change language, search Work-->By Country-->Italy) that produced the first label with the profile of two leaves and M-shaped apple.
The following labels are parts of Sinclair automatic labeling used by most of the major producers and / or fruit packers. Below sticker that closes the roll and back of the support with Sinclair logo.
The following labels are parts of Sinclair automatic labeling used by most of the major producers and / or fruit packers. Below sticker that closes the roll and back of the support with Sinclair logo.

This label and all followings are printed in 2 or 3 colors on a very thin plastic, in fact when you separate them from the support they have tendency to roll up for collectors despair.
The support was studied for the use in machines that automatically put labels on fruit: it is a band with wavy margins, barely wider than the label. In the middle band is split into two to form:
A left band: wavy at left and right at right. A right band : right at left and wavy at right.

Support is 26.5 mm large in the broadest part and 22.5 in the narrowest, wavy pitch is 16 mm; color is ivory white, the surface is shiny. Support is rolled into large coils (like film).
[Support Type 3 = S3]. In the same 1993 issue and also for some of the following occurs identical support in form but yellowish in colour.
[Support Type 4 = S4]

In the label can be seen, where support is divided in two bands, a light vertical wrinkle. Wrinkle is well evident while stirring sticker in front of a light until it highlights.
For more information see the document "wrinkle".

First Renetta sticker (series 9) is inserted on a 16 mm wide yellow strip, without holes.
[Support Type 5 = S5]

First stickers Melasì were inserted on two support types: type 3 and 4 for the first and second series and a completely different for the third.
It is a continuous 16 mm wide support with a holes couple of 2.5 mm in diameter, placed at 26.5 mm from one another. Therefore sticker have no wrinkle.
[Support Type 5A = S5A]

In 2003, because of the new stickers tab, also support is changed : the undulations of the outer margins are no longer at same level but they are alternated.
At the stickers (with right tab)level left margin is convex while right is concave and tab protrudes in the tab concavity. The opposite occurs for stickers with left tab. The support is always 21 mm wide while width is 24 mm.
The color is ivory white with shiny surface. [Support Type 6A = S6]
At the stickers (with right tab)level left margin is convex while right is concave and tab protrudes in the tab concavity. The opposite occurs for stickers with left tab. The support is always 21 mm wide while width is 24 mm.
The color is ivory white with shiny surface. [Support Type 6A = S6]
tabs have a different color: the one on the right is blue (ot other background color) while the left is yellow, red, or gold depending on the cultivar (always the same background
color of the zone of Plu)